Certification III
This option is designed specifically for the GPS Manager to obtain a proficient knowledge of GPS Equipment Operator roles, GPS Field PointMan roles, and GPS Manager roles governing system components, software, and field logistics for GPS implementation.
Introduction to GPS Components
Introduction to the Topcon Secure Website
GPS 101 Theory
Introduction to GPS Grade Management Roles
Introduction to Data Model
Introduction to Field Controller Windows CE
Introduction to Pocket-3D Menus and Tool Bar
Introduction to Topcon File Extensions
Introduction to 3D-Office Menus
Making GPS Profitable
Formulating Data File Nomenclature
Setting Field Protocol for the GPS PointMan
Interacting with Engineering and Survey Firms
Interacting with the Model Maker
Defining a Grading Model
Collaborating with the Model Make
Managing Files with Sub-Contractors
Configuring Receivers in Pocket 3-D
Troubleshooting Receivers and Field Controllers
Creating Files in Pocket 3-D
Localizing the Project Site with Pocket 3-D
Topoing with Pocket 3-D
Staking-out with Pocket 3-D
Calc Wizard Functions in Pocket-3D
Introduction to Topcon Utility Software
Understanding GPS System Maintenance
GPS Service and Tech Support
introduction to 3D-MC Components
Introduction to 3D-MC Software and Equipment Calibration
Supporting the GPS Equipment Operator and Troubleshooting
Crew Elective
The Crew Elective is designed for Company sponsorship of learning.
Introduction to GPS Components
Introduction to the Topcon Secure Website
GPS 101 Theory
Introduction to GPS Grade Management Roles
Introduction to Data Model
Introduction to Field Controller Windows CE
Introduction to Pocket-3D Menus and Tool Bar
Introduction to Topcon File Extensions
Introduction to 3D-Office Menus
GPS System Maintenance, Service and Tech Support
Introduction to 3D-MC Components
Introduction to 3D-MC Software and File Extensions
Introduction to the Role of a GPS PointMan
Equipment Calibration
Troubleshooting 3D-MC
Making GPS Profitable
Formulating Data File Nomenclature
Setting Field Protocol for the GPS PointMan
Interacting with Engineering and Survey Firms
Interacting with the Model Maker
Defining a Grading Model
Collaborating with the Model Make
Managing Files with Sub-Contractors
Configuring Receivers in Pocket 3-D
Troubleshooting Receivers and Field Controllers
Creating Files in Pocket 3-D
Localizing the Project Site with Pocket 3-D
Introduction to Topcon Utility Software
Understanding GPS System Maintenance
GPS Service and Tech Support
Topoing with Pocket 3-D
Staking-out with Pocket 3-D
Calc Wizard Functions in Pocket-3D
Introduction to 3D-MC Software and Equipment Calibration
Supporting the GPS Equipment Operator and Troubleshooting
Collecting Points
Staking-out Collected Points and Point Lists
Finish Grade Pad Staking
Staking-out Polylines
Working with Alignments
Creating Road Surface Files
Point Man I
Collecting Points
Staking-out Collected Points and Point Lists
Finish Grade Pad Staking
Point Man II
Staking-out Polylines
Working with Alignments
Creating Road Surface Files