This training plan is designed for Companies or individuals who want information while transitioning into GPS organizational roles, and companies who have recently invested in Topcon GPS.
This option is designed specifically for the GPS Equipment Operator, to facilitate collaboration between the GPS Field Pointman and the Equipment Operator, and focuses specifically on calibration and troubleshooting.
This option is designed specifically for the GPS Field PointMan to facilitate collaboration between the GPS Field PointMan and the GPS Manager, and focuses specifically on keeping office and field communications open for full job site support.
This option is designed specifically for the GPS Manager to obtain proficient knowledge of the GPS Equipment Operator's role, the GPS Field PointMan's role, and the GPS Manager's role in managing system components, software, and office to field logistics while implementating GPS grade management.
The Crew Elective is designed for Company sponsorship of learning. This elective encompasses all lessons offered for all certificates, and certification courses, and allows the company sponsoring learning to specifically select which courses they want to offer their personnel. Lesson selection is bases on GPS-FAST™'s criteria of meeting course prerequisites.
GPS-Field Applications Specialist Training (GPS-FAST™) is designed for Construction companies implementing 3D GPS for Construction Management.
GPS-FAST™ course lessons are geared toward office and field personnel currently using, or considering 3D automation and the transition to GPS Construction Management.
Designed specifically with the Contractor in mind, courses contain illustrated explanations, simulations, and interactive tutorials to aid both office and field personnel in retaining as much information as possible, in as short of time as possible.
Additionally, course content developed in succession gives the learner the highest degree of opportunity to retain as much as possible. Learners are presented with the basics and fundamentals in introductory lessons, then progress to the certificate courses to be reintroduced to previous concepts, while assimilating additional applications associated with field work. Learners eventually formulate a foundation to build on as they progress through advanced lessons and hands-on PointMan Training.
Participants work individually at their own pace toward completion of all course lessons to be awarded the 3D GPS-Field Applications Specialist Trained status and are eligible to bear the GPS-FAST™ 3D Certified seal.
Courses offered are on an Introductory Certificate level, specific focus GPS-FAST™ Certificate I and II level, all-inclusive GPS-FAST™ 3D Certified III level, and a non-certificate Company sponsored Crew Elective level. Advanced PointMan I and II field training is also available for learners after completion of select certificate level courses.
Individuals completing the GPS-FAST™ 3D Certified III course are eligible to bear the GPS-FAST™ 3D Certified seal and will receive a jacket displaying the seal.
Individuals completing the GPS-FAST™ 3D Certificate I and II courses are eligible to bear the GPS-FAST™ I or II logo and will receive a certificate of recognition and cap displaying the logo.
Individuals completing the Introduction to GPS-FAST™ course will receive a certificate of recognition.
Companies and Trade Unions interested in custom lessons or course players displaying company logos or Trade Union seals may contact GPS-FAST™ to discuss options available.
A Demo Course illustrating the content, layout, and quality of GPS-FAST™ course materials is available for review. Course Host